Friday, April 2, 2010

Cocktail Shaker - or Shaker as his Friends call him!

Shaker is my youngster! While the other dogs in my household are 10yrs and over, little Shaker is only 2yrs old. He is the youngster that keeps all of us on our toes! He is so loving and playful, we all get a kick watching him play. He is also a Boston Terrier.

He is so happy to be alive and he shows it everyday. He gets up in the morning, looks for Squirty. They each touch noses, give a little kiss of assurance and then the games begin, time for a friendly little tussle before breakfast.

Then it is time for a great outside run around the house. Then its inside to harass a cat or two, find his ball or stuffed toy, then just as suddenly as all this began, his head goes down and he's asleep again! I keep joking I think he has narcolepsy...but according to his breed this is not unusual. He just runs out of gas and has to recharge!

Shaker also likes to love and kiss...A Lot! He really gives the big, wet sloppy kisses. He really is a character. Shaker would do great in a household with children, preferably older children that can throw a frisbee or ball.
Shaker and Squirty both have taught me a lot in the short time they've been here. Dogs are funny that way. They take so little and give so much.
Find out if a Boston Terrier is right for you, read all about the breed: Boston Terriers
UPDATE: Shaker now 'Domino' was adopted this past weekend by the most perfect adopter I could have ever imagined. Her friend described her as a 'Dr Doolittle'! She has worked with animals and been a part of the Humane Society for over 30yrs. She is now a dog trainer and has various other animals to include a 23yr old cat and cuckatoo!
Domino was reported with a back leg that was smaller than the other. I believe he must have learned to walk on it that way because he made full use of his leg. If you did not know, you would not notice unless you were looking for it. Well, Domino's new Mom wanted to be sure he would be able to walk with her and her other dog on a 2mi walk, 2x daily. I am proud to report he did and handled it well with no problems. He is adjusting into his new home by giving everyone his famous, sloppy, Boston Terrier kisses. I am so proud my precious found such a great home!
Just this one adoption has allowed me to pick up a new dog from a high kill shelter and rescue him. He is a terrier mix and is shivering and nervous inside the shelter. This dog was a owner surrender and you can see the confusion in the dog's eyes. He probably can't understand why he is laying down on cold cement to sleep when he had a perfectly good home. HE did nothing wrong. Usually cases like this are due to a new baby, moving, owners are just tired of the dog, etc.

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