Monday, May 17, 2010

My Dearest Little Lucy..I Love Lucy!

Lucy and her 'fur' sister Allie, human sister Brie

I've had another foster to come to us and never even got the chance to post her on my blog!  She arrived by transport Saturday night...and Sunday morning we had an application for the dear sweetie pie!

Lucy's story is probably one of the worst I've heard since fostering.  I've heard all the stories of dogs being stray and picked up with mange, etc.  That in itself is evil enough.  People have to learn that domesticated dogs cannot live without humans feeding them.  You cannot just dump a dog on the streets and it will survive on its own.  Cats have much more of a chance than dogs do at survival. Dogs usually end up eating dead animals on the road, etc. and then getting all sorts of diseases that will kill the dog....but that's another post..back to our Lucy.

It seems Lucy was a backyard breeders dog.  He began breeding her when she was much too young. I do not think she was quite a year old.  She had seven pups to deliver.  She delivered 3 and then the 4th puppy became stuck in her birth canal.  The owner took her to an emergency vet after she was in labor much too long and had started vomiting and having a temp. The vet advised a cesarian to try and retrieve the pups still yet to be born.  They knew she had 4 more to deliver. 

The owner refused and took the Lucy home with the pup still stuck in the birth canal.  Lucy suffered through another 12 long hours of labor before the owner brought her back still in pain and vomiting.  Remember this momma dog was still a puppy herself.  She only weighed 9lbs at the time.

They performed the surgery and found Lucy's female organs had been torn with the ordeal of labor.  The vet stitched her up the best she could and advised the owner, do not attempt to breed this dog again, it will kill her.  It was approximately a year later the man brought Lucy back to the vet, where it was apparent he had tried to breed her again.  This time the owner could not afford the vet bills and Lucy was surrendered.

Our rescue took Lucy and posted her on our web site before she arrived in NH.  She had three people interested in adopting her.  She was so fatiqued, hungrey and worn out from the trip, I advised everyone she needed a week to gather herself together and strengthen herself. 

The following Saturday, Lucy went to meet her potential 'furever' family.  She was a big hit with her furbaby sister, Allie and her human sister too!  They all had a blast as the two dogs tore around the house playing like the road runner and Wiley Coyote!

Lucy had such a short stay with me...I did not even get a chance to get photos of her beautiful face! She had one blue eye and one brown eye.  She was a delicate Boston Terrier, weighing in at only 15lbs.

The family who adopted her wrote me an email the next week to share some pic's of Lucy.  The pic's mean a ot to me and I just adore seeing Lucy with her new family!

Because Lucy went to her new family so quickly..I was able to help a Jack Russell Terrier mix.  He was from a shelter in Tennessee.  More on his story in the next post...

Please enjoy these photos of Miss Lucy as I came to know her!  What a terrific little girl!

                                          Lucy with her Dad!

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